The World Health Organization has ranked Costa Rica as one of the top three healthcare systems in Latin America, and the nation consistently ranks higher in healthcare than many of its industrialized counterparts including Canada and the United States. Similarly, life expectancy is among the world’s highest (78.7 years, one year higher than the US).

Costa Rica boasts hundreds of board-certified physicians, surgeons, and dentists, mostly practicing in or near San Jose. Capitalizing on Costa Rica’s success in cosmetic surgery and dentistry, the country’s international medical offerings have expanded in recent years to include eye surgery and other elective procedures, such as bariatric surgery (for weight loss) and orthopedics. In addition, Costa Rica has launched research and clinical initiatives for Parkinson's, multiple sclerosis, pain management, and diabetes.

Three hospitals -- CIMA San Jose, Clinica Catolica, and Clinica Bíblica -- have recently undergone extensive expansion and modernization to attract a broader mix of international patients. Clinica Biblica was the first in the country to achieve JCI accreditation. American-owned Hospital CIMA in San Jose achieved JCI status in 2008. Both are full-service hospitals offering patients a wide array of specialties and procedures previously unavailable to the medical traveler.

State Department Information
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Securing Your Money When You Travel
Carrying large amounts of cash is obviously unsafe in a foreign country. Also, be careful using your credit cards when you travel. Never give out your PIN, never let anyone else swipe your card and don't ever let anyone take your card out of your sight (example: at a restaurant). Make sure your cards are "Chip" enabled, require a PIN to use and carry in a wallet or case that shields the data from being scanned on the street.

Many clinics are no longer accepting personal checks, cash or travelers checks. Wire transfer and credit cards are your best bet however they can come with high bank fees per use internationally, variable exchange fees and lower daily spending limits when being used in a foreign country.

A Simple Solution to keep your money safe - Travani offers 3 secure travel products to carrying money for expenses and for paying your doctor. There are no credit checks, low fees, and you don't have to worry about having your money or identity stolen off of your card. In fact, leave those important cards at home and get a FREE RFID shield!* Find out more.

* Sources: US State Department, Country Travel Bureau, Patients Beyond Borders